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Get back up

Motivation, drive, fortitude, resilience

Those four words hold so much power. Each word carries its' own weight and describes traits of successful people.

I wrote these words down as I began to put my thoughts together on what this next blog post would be. For me, these words mean a lot, they represent words that I want to describe my attitude and yet they feel sometimes unattainable.

You may have noticed that a long time has elapsed since my last blog post, and I'll be honest I feel like I have failed. I set out to write this blog because I wanted to motivate others to be the best and most successful people that they can be. These last weeks have been a low for me and I put other things between myself, and my goals. I realized, that this is part of the process. Without a struggle, without lows, success can't be realized. I also realized that if I feel this way and experienced this low period, I imagine I can't be alone. As thus, the realization came that I must get back on the horse and help myself but also help all of you.

I wrote in an earlier blog post that consolidating all the advice, research and knowledge was hard and applying it to your life was even harder. Here I am again, not applying the great advice I learned and passed on to you previously.

Some questions came to mind when my wife and I went to dinner one night (have I mentioned how hard it is to think full thoughts with a 2 and 4 year old running around?!). I finally got to put my thoughts into words. I am struggling with applying the right amount of pressure as it applies to pursuing my goals. Am I applying too much pressure? Am I not applying enough pressure? I have gotten so consumed with wanting to be successful that I was blinded by the journey and applying the knowledge I've attained.

I've realized I have to let it go, that the overwhelming feeling within myself to be successful was actually constraining my ability to move forward. I was lacking resilience. I wasn't being fortuitous. I had no push or ambition.

If you look at the traits of successful people, you would see that they found a way to maintain those four words at the start of this blog despite every obstacles and failure they faced. How did they do that? I don't have the answer. But they found a way.

A recent Ted talk I watched by Angela Duckworth, talked about a study among first year teachers who started teaching in tough environments right out of college. The study, which I have a link to here, found that grit was the differentiator when it came to success. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, grit in the context of behavior is defined as "firmness of character; indomitable spirit (Forbes, 5 Characteristics Of Grit -- How Many Do You Have ?, 2013).

I understand the context of grit more now than ever because now I have experienced a time where my grit tank hit empty.

So how do you ensure your "grit" tank stays full?

I'm not sure I have the answer. Here is what I do know. You must have a clear vision of where you want to go and you have to continue making positive steps towards your goals. And while I realize it is much more than vision that keeps your grit level up, you must recognize your successes no matter how large or small. You must climb the mountain to reach the summit. When your motivation, resilience, drive, and fortitude lessen their grip, you must maintain faith and pick yourself back up. It's not easy, as I write this I don't feel like I'm back up on my feet, but I have recognized this feeling, and recognizing this feeling will allow me to weather the storm the next time faster and before my tank hits empty. We must look for life's horizons.

I’m back at it. Now stronger.

Keep working no matter what happens. If things are good, keep working. If things are bad, keep working. – Moby-

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