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Who I am


I’m a husband to an amazing wife, a father to two great kids, a loyal, hardworking employee, a leader and a motivator. I truly aspire to help people. I’m a dreamer and goal seeker. I’m a badass, relentless and ask a lot of questions. I am passionate, fierce, smart and loving. I believe in God, and that he has a plan for all of us.  My parents taught me to work hard, experience life and to not take anything too seriously. I have an unyielding passion for gaining as much knowledge as possible, using that knowledge for helping others and ultimately, making our world more efficient and effective.


I believe I am destined to do amazing things, but find myself in a constant struggle to overcome obstacles and really…. get out of my own way in order to live the life I want to live. You may be experiencing something similar, as many people do. My journey through this life thus far has led me down a unique path of experiences and struggles that have helped define who I am and where I am now.


I hold a BA in Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado (Go Bears!) and an MBA in Finance and Accounting from Regis University.


Why write a blog


No truer words were ever written than that of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Life is a journey, not a destination.” Let’s be honest with ourselves, life is full of excitement, anguish, hurt, love, friendship, hard work and so many more things. I am at a point in my life where I believe I must put my chin up and grab this life by the horns to live the life I aspire too. With that said, I decided, all the knowledge, inspiration, research and experiences I have gathered in my now 33 years of life I should share and get back to my core passion in life; helping others. Let’s travel through this life together. Let’s explore and chart the course to live the life you have maybe only to this point wanted to live and change our mindset to actually live that life every day.


I see this blog as an adventure, an opportunity to take 5-10 minutes away from your day to appreciate life, gain insight into how to attain your goals, and learn something new. I think you will find my entries to invoke thought, challenge you, inspire you and find new ways to enjoy this life.


My goal for you


If I had one goal for you as a reader of this blog, it would be to take my thoughts, challenges, words and apply them to your life. Life is short, but while being short, it is chock full of experiences and insight that help us all find motivation, inspiration, and appreciation from to live the life you want and deserve to live. Life is hard, and for that very reason, we must band together to conquer this life using all the tools that exist. Happy reading.

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